Lincolnshire Ecumenical Theology Resource Group

We are Anglicans and Methodists, ministering in Lincolnshire, that meet together monthly to discuss a theological work in context of our joint ministry together. This blog is an extension of those conversations.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Work, work, work

A lot of my own thoughts about the relationship between faith and work come out of a class I took my last semester of seminary: "The Ethics of Work and Leisure: Holy Work and Sabbath Rest." I thought that some of the texts we used in that class might be of interest, considering the topic which we discussed this past month.

The Rule of Saint Benedict
Abraham Joshua Heschel, The Sabbath
Josef Pieper, Leisure, the Basis of Culture
Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
Karl Marx, The German Ideology, Part I
Thomas Aquinas, Summa II-II, 35 "Sloth"

Specifically, from a Christian perspective, the question of the proper relationship between work and leisure, and the use of work as integral to the construction of self-identity, I think are valid questions to be pursued. So perhaps this is vaguely tangential to our discussion last time, but I think are worth valid in the context of speaking about work and faith. I'd be happy to discuss this at length (perhaps in another venue) if anyone wants a good discussion... :)